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Полянская Оксана Николаевна13474
Работаю в школе г. Донецка с 2002 года. Являюсь классным руководителем 6 класса.
Россия, Донецкая Народная Респ.

t1610301652aa.png MODULE 2 CULTURE CORNER

The gift of storytelling

​​​​​​​Perhaps the best way to spend a cold, winter night in Ireland is to sit in front of the fire and enjoy the company of a Seanachai, a storyteller. Ireland has many stories to tell and they belong to two groups: myths and legends and folk tales. Throughout the years, people passed on stories to form a great tradition.

Myths and legends are stories about giants, saints, warriors and kings. They are tales of heroes who overcome great obstacles, fight with magical beasts and have incredible adventures. One such legend is the story of the noble champion Finn Mac Cumhal and his group of warriors, the Fianna, who protected the High Kings of Ireland.

Folk tales entertain people while teaching them moral values. These stories have the most unusual characters: fairies, elves, leprechauns and many more. The Leprechaun is one of the most popular characters in Irish folklore. Its name means ‘small body’. It is a type of fairy that makes shoes and has a hidden treasure: a crock filled with gold. If you catch it, it must tell you the secret location of its treasure immediately. But be careful! It will try to trick you into looking away for a second, and then it will disappear! t1610301652ab.jpg






Опубликовано в группе «Наши интересные уроки по английскому языку»

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